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Opticron 8x40 or Omegon Ultra HD 10x42


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I currently have a pair of Opticron 8x40 binoculars. They're quite nice and I enjoy looking upwards with them - They seem pretty good.

I now have the option of getting a pair of Omegon Ultra 10x42's. This is the only option that I have, so I am wondering if people have any ideas about whether this is a worthwhile upgrade.

One thing I will mention (sorry but I don't know the technical stuff) but what I like about the Opticrons is that I can look around the field of view so to speak. I've looked through my Mum's 8x42 Opticrons and I felt restricted as though I was looking down a tunnel. I hope that makes sense and maybe someone can tell me what that is as well!

So is it worth getting the Omegon's - Would I notice a difference with my current Opticrons? Would it be like looking down a tunnel?

Thanks for your help - I'm sorry that I am so embarrassingly clueless about binoculars.

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I think that bins are very personal as I find some give me eye strain where as others don't , if you have a chance have a test drive first otherwise you could regret your upgrade. I have had a set of 10x50s bag opticrons for the last twenty years and they are still fantastic for me. I was lucky enough to choose them doing side by side tests with some very good brands and found that they were the best for me ,lucky as at £400 they were half the price as some others!

Good luck with your choice but I would always always have a test view first.

Hope this helps


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Not much different between 8x40 and 10x50. if you really want to upgrade, just go for 15x70 BA8 (at least).

I don't really want big bins of that makes sense - I'm not a visual person and just enjoy sweeping the sky sometimes.

I was wondering more if I'd see an improvement in quality between the Opticrons and the Ultra HD's - The Opticrons are a little fuzzy at the edge of the field and suffer from purple fringing a little at times.

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