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Yeterdays Sun-04-06-15


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As there were some reasonably long periods of clear sky yesterday I had another stab at a mosaic, as it will probably take me three days to process it this is one of the more interesting frames.


100mm refractor, Quark Chromo', PG BFly .5X f/r

post-21198-0-55470000-1433496271_thumb.p  post-21198-0-68003600-1433496275_thumb.p  post-21198-0-38954800-1433496298_thumb.p

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Very nice Dave.

Why will it take so long? In AS!2 if you load all the vids, go through the processing of just the first and it will process the lot. Yesterday, I started that process going while still taling more images. You can also do the same with Imppg it has a batch processing procedure. Then it is straight to stitching and only one image to fine tune.


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I had that trouble yesterday, what do you use for manual stitching, PS ?


Yes spent hours on the last one blending bits manually, also had two bits missing :)

PS on its own couldn't do it at all although I have had some success with my old Minitron camera which PS can assemble for some reason, falls over using the PG BFly in full res 1272 x 712 but is a bit better in 640 x 480 .


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Looks good.

I've not done any mosaic image processing but  am hoping to do so soon. If any one has and hints, tips or links to getting the batch processing in AS!2 and IMPPG running it would be great :smiley:


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Very nice, Dave, what a fine display from the new AR :laugh:

I am *really* worried because for once, the weekend forecast is good our way! :eek:  I really hope it's good, I am missing white light so much, I can't quite fit white light and h-alpha both in during the week at solar brekkie.

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Very nice, Dave, what a fine display from the new AR :laugh:

I am *really* worried because for once, the weekend forecast is good our way! :eek:  I really hope it's good, I am missing white light so much, I can't quite fit white light and h-alpha both in during the week at solar brekkie.

I almost managed a full disc with the LS60, a mozaic with the Quark and WL with DSLR but wasted over an hour faffing about trying to get MacBP to recognise the Skyris274 in Mac and Bootcamp using three different programs, installed stuff on another laptop and eventually got imaging, tried next day and WDYK it all worked on the Mac Book  :BangHead:


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