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Hello SGL from Dearborn Michigan


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Hello SGL staff and members,

  I have been lurking around the forum for nearly a year and have just become a member.  I have been interested in Astronomy and observing for over 30 years just getting back into observing in the last year .   I have a 10 inch Coulter Odyssey Dobsonian that I purchased new in 1986.   I  also just picked up a used Meade DS2090 90MM  refractor as a grab and go scope.  



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Hi Rick and welcome to the forum. Difficult to shake of astronomy once you've got it in your blood!

Clear skies

Very true indeed.  The blue dob sat unused in the basement corner for 8 years and another 4 or 5 years at my previous residence in Detroit.   After removing the dust from the tube and base and checked to see if the mirror (stored  face down in a wooden box) was in good order.  Next I located my eyepiece case and found that the foam had begun to break down so I took everything out and cleaned everything that was not beyond saving.  I ended up loosing a couple of color filters but the eyepieces , barlow and the boxed LP filters just needed a little cleaning.   Doing a web search for proper eyepiece cleaning methods lead me to the SGL and I then started on my path to observing .   Lots of light pollution to deal with but still a lot to see.

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Hi Rick and welcome to SGL, I had a chance meeting with a DS 2090 many years ago, but found the focuser a bit stiff, it is, never the less, a lightweight system. enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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