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DWB111 - The Propeller nebula in bi colour


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Thanks all for your comments and nice to see this in it's full context Martin - Thanks for that :)

@Rob - I didn't think that the stars were too blue - But if you think they are then I will look at that more closely - Thanks :)

Its not loads of blue :) only a bit - perhaps thats just my personal taste though as I prefer to zap star colour after cannistra processing (since you're pushing the OIII). That would pave the way for RGB stars or less aggressive synth green HOO stars (and just paste em in as a new layer).

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Sara, that is a glorious result. What really does it for me is your choice of framing. Yes, an image of The Propeller, but it's all the way over to the left - very modern and very effective!

Now, I know that you are a fan of feedback on your images that goes beyond 'that's fab', so I'm going to speak my mind as I see it. To me, the stars seem quite halo-ey. It's not a disaster level of this effect, it just appears to be there to me and I thought it would be interesting for you to hear an opinion! I'm guessing that you strangled the OIII data and the stars have 'enjoyed' the consequences. What do you think? Possibly this is in the area that Rob is referring to with the 'blue stars' comments?

It is a rip snorting image though, that puts the quality level bar very high and will, yet again, make us all think about how we are going about our imaging. Great result and thank you for breaking your forum silence to share your work again!

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Thanks Gav for your comments - I know that you are right about the halo's and I even spent ages getting them better than they were! The fact is that I really didn't have enough OIII and so did push it. I should have waited and got another night and perhaps it would have been better.

Serves me right for trying to cut corners in the amount of data collected :D I was rather hoping that by doing a 2 pane mosaic it was going to be a little more forgiving :( 

Your comment really is much appreciated :)

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Good, I'm glad it is of some help. The worst thing is that it is nigh on impossible to find the strength to redo a process after all those hours... You really don't need to on this one though.

OIII does seem to be a bit of an Achilles Heel. I always really struggle with the OIII contribution. Would more 1800s subs really solve the problem? The OIII signal is often so faint, it feels as though longer subs or binned subs would catch more.

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Cracking picture Sara. I like the colours. But it is a shame you are having to loose  so many photons because of the small CCD chip  from the Taks ~40mm imaging circle.

One day I hope to get as good.


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