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Baader MPCC Versions

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How can you tell the different versions of the MPCC apart? I want to try and obtain a second hand mk3 but unsure how to know.

The pictures of the mk3 give it a bluish tint but suspect that is just for effect.

A real life picture would be really helpful.

Many thanks


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OK, looks like I have found the answer myself.

The mk1 has a part number of 2458400 and the mk3 a part number of 2458400A

In that case it looks like mk3s are very hard to come by second hand. Only ever seen mk1s.

Most stuff comes around its just a waiting game and been on the ball watching the relevant places that people sell on, its worth placing a wanted add on AstroBuySell

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Dont use the Mk1 or Mk2! Both give halos/reflections on very bright stars. The Mk2 (which I still have) has green writing on the removable stop collar, the Mk3 doesnt (its white).

Also the Mk3 is the only one where you can completely remove the t-thread leaving an M48 threaded cell (great for internal mounting). Also, the Mk3 is completely free of reflections and is very parfocal (no need to refocus between filters).

Whether you will get a Mk3 easily 2nd hand is another thing since they are such versatile items.

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Hmmmm..... I must have had a duff one then (but reflections are not unheard of with the Mk2), becuase it was awful! In fact, I sold a telescope for next to nothing thinking it was the telescopes fault for the red reflections I was getting. Turned out it was just as bad in the 130 (with a CCD and DSLR), so I got the SW version before moving on to the Mk3 - no such problems since. Perhaps the elements are mis-aligned? (not something I'd like to toy with!)

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