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Mini tower pro with Tak TSA 120

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Hi everyone..

I'm very much of an amateur - bought a nice new scope and simple mount. I've started to assemble it... and erm..... well attached some files to help show my problem...

Firstly... Please could somebody advise on the best way (parts I would need) to connect my TSA 120 to the mini tower? Whilst putting it all together I didn't feel too comfortable with the configuration shown in the picture.. ie the whole scope being supported by a single thumb screw!

Secondly.. There is a clear grinding sound (like metal against metal) when I try turning the motorised mount on the horizontal azimuth plane. No clutch is in place. I attached power and it only works in the vertical direction.

Thirdly... I understand that I need a counterweight.. But could someone please guide me on where I should position it on the horizontal bar to help counteract the weight of the scope?

Many thanks... and sorry for the basic questions. Btw.. If anyone has written any 'mini tower GOTO guides for dummies' that may help too ;-)





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To answer question 1, that is a fairly standard and safe way to attach the scope. I put the thumbscrew at the top so the dovetail rests in the bottom of the clamp, then is fastened downwards by the thumbscrew.

The only way around this would be to upgrade the saddle to something like an ADM clamp which clamps along the whole length and are probably more secure. Not sure if there is an upgrade for the mini tower, someone will know

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Hi ,

this is what I use on my Pro, a lot better than the standard one. 


Go to the yahoo groups and look for file on the 20/8/09 mini tower quick setup guide


Is the mount new , You could ring Nick at Altair Astro and he should be able to help you

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