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I thought this thread could do with a bit of a boost. Here are some of my Tak Mewlon 210 in line with the 'any compound scope' rules 😉😉. It is mounted on a Vixen Sphinx which suits it very well, portable but stable.

So, where are all those Maks, SCTs, RCs, Dall-Kirham's etc.?



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  • 9 months later...

Be interesting  how it’s compared Optically with my “Svetlana” - Intes Micro 815 deluxe Maksutov Cassegrain 1/9.5 wave optics with a system Strehl of.0985

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14 hours ago, dave armeson said:

Be interesting  how it’s compared Optically with my “Svetlana” - Intes Micro 815 deluxe Maksutov Cassegrain 1/9.5 wave optics with a system Strehl of.0985

Thought you sold it ???

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Just a 127mm Mak but a couple of days ago, due having so much free time from being furloughed, I finally got around repairing it over 15 years after buying it secondhand and finding out it wasn't exactly as described in the sellers advertisement.

The back was taken off and the deadpoint in the focuser sorted out up. The secondary baffle has been removed (I may or may not look at replacing it depending on how it performs, first signs are that I  probably won't bother)  as the glue had spread somehow to the corrector plate and the scope was collimated which is a bit of an art in itself with these scopes

It's goes well with the EQ 3/2 as a grab and go lunar and white light solar setup for quick looks on the short summer nights 

I bought it so long ago it's almost like getting a new scope for nothing 



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  • 2 months later...
On 04/05/2020 at 18:52, Stu said:

Different mount for the Mewlon tonight, hoping for a little Lunar action although won’t be a late night. Need to be up at 5am!


I always thought Takahashi had a castle and it was part of a Japanese game show?🤔🤣

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2 hours ago, John said:

I can actually post something in this thread now - my little 90mm gregory maksutov-cassegrain :icon_biggrin:




John, Might also be worth posting on the “do you name your telescopes?” thread that yours is called Gregory?

I’m sure when you are better acquainted, you’ll be down to “Greg”.



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16 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

They are sharp, my Celestron C90 was female so called her Luna..


Yes, they are sharp little beasts. My ETX 90 is a cracking little scope, despite giving a little in aperture to my 102 mak on Luna it does feel to have the edge.

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Two of my three catadioptric scopes from the past. ETX-105 (its lunar performance etched on my memory) and Edge 8, both wonderful in their own ways. Can’t find any pics of the C6 I once had. Actually my current Tak Epsilon also qualifies as a catadioptric - mixes mirror and glass, but probably doesn’t qualify for this thread.



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  • 5 months later...

I sold my Mak 150 and got myself a Mak 180 ... I took a picture before shipping off the 150. 



Seen here on the old HEQ5 mount.



Edited by Vox45
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