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Triple ISS Transit in the UK tonight


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That's fantastic, Dave.

I got my best visual tracking of it so far tonight when it passed at around 11:30. Too high and fast for the first few minutes but that trajectory gives a long slow end t the transit that is easier to track.

Not sure I'll see the second pass tonight as it might be too low.

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Thank's guys, that was at ISO3200 /1/2000sec, still a bit blurry, will try 6400 and faster shutter, can't track it automatically with my mount, all though the manual says it can it's pretty useless, may have to buy a 10Micron just to track the ISS :grin: this is a really good use of twilight summer nights.


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Thank's guys, that was at ISO3200 /1/2000sec, still a bit blurry, will try 6400 and faster shutter, can't track it automatically with my mount, all though the manual says it can it's pretty useless, may have to buy a 10Micron just to track the ISS :grin: this is a really good use of twilight summer nights.


Probably a daft question but what scope

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I got my best visual tracking of it so far tonight when it passed at around 11:30. Too high and fast for the first few minutes but that trajectory gives a long slow end t the transit that is easier to track

Yes, me too; it was a real bonus on a rare night out with the scope......followed it with the bino's.

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Just thought I'd bore you with another ISS shot from last night  :grin:

Tried ISO6400 / 1/2000th sec, still bit bright and blurry, will try faster shutter speed if I get a chance.



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What is the object in the top left hand corner of the last shot you posted?

Could it be the supply module? Not sure when the last one was scheduled.


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That's a


What is the object in the top left hand corner of the last shot you posted?

Could it be the supply module? Not sure when the last one was scheduled.


That's a good spot, if I zoom in on my screen I can see its shape, which looks remarkably similar to the ISS in the image, could it be some sort of reflection? although I'd rather it isn't. :)

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It's zet Hercules, Hip-81693, I used it to line up on to catch the ISS as it passed, it's a double star which may account for it looking a bit odd or may just be atmospheric distortion.


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It's zet Hercules, Hip-81693, I used it to line up on to catch the ISS as it passed, it's a double star which may account for it looking a bit odd or may just be atmospheric distortion.

That sounds very much more pre-planned and controlled than me swinging a 200P around the sky hoping to see a bright light flash past :lol:

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If you have the satellite plug in in Stellarium enabled you can watch the ISS transit and zoom in to see if it passes over a star then line up on it and lay in wait. I have to do this with the SCT because of the very small FOV, works maybe one in four times.



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