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Barlow for AP?

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Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating adding a more powerful barlow lens to my collection, mainly for AP work. Does anyone have any experience of using the Antares x5 twistlock barlow?


It seems remarkably cheap for a x5 barlow but I've also learnt over the years that there's a significant difference between "cheap but good value" and "cheap and nasty". Any and all advice will be gratefully received, including any other recomendations you folks may have based on your own experience.

Thanks everyone,

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I haven't used one yet, but the Revelation 5x Barlow is well considered and half the price at Harrison Telescopes. As I say, I can't comment on the quality in use yet, but might be worth considering. Its nice and solidly made.

But I think you also have to think about the effect on the scope and your theoretical maximum magnification as well as the camera you are using it with. Beyond my brain power at the moment, so I may have bought the wrong one!

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Thanks, I'll have a look at that one too. I'm really still just in the thinking about stage atm. I'll be mating it with my Canon EOS 100D and probably using it mainly for planetary imaging so am looking for something that will provide good, clean images as well as magnification.

If you do get chance to try the Revelation or if anyone else has I'd love a genuine user review. I have a little while to make my decision yet sob the more opinions the merrier. I am a little budget limited atm but that also will change before I actually buy so quality is def more important than cheap!

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