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Barlow lenses and prime focus imaging

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Hi Guys

I have recently got into imaging on my C8N

My quesdtion is , i have a Celestron Ultima barlow lens that i would like to introduce into the optical train whilst imaging.

How the hell do i attach the Barlow ?



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If you're using the Canon to image with, you are going to struggle to add a 1.25" barlow in.

The canon really needs the 2" adapter - which won't fit the 1.25" barlow.

If your using a webcam or another imaging device with a 1.25" fit then the barlow just goes between the webcam/ccd and the focuser. Remember that a barlow will push the focus point out and you MAY need an extension tube.




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I tried some imaging last night of the moon with a 2" ED Barlow. I have not stacked them yet but I dont hold out much hope :( I think they were a bit out of focus. TBH I am thinking of stopping useing my DSLR for Lunar imaging as I dont think it's as good as the webcam!

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I just dont know how folks get these high resolution DSLR shots of the moon. Mine always turn out a bit soft and I cannot seem to get focus over the full moons surface, the terminator is in focus and the rest is soft :(

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