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Hi i need to do some research about galaxies for my astronomy GCSE and i was wondering if any of you could tell me the best websites to visit, because everytime i search google it gives me things that aren't that relivent to what i need. Any help would be appreciated, thankyou.

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Well we've been given the speification for the course and we'v each been given some points from it to research, we've got to research things like this; ''Describe how the Solar System and all the visible stars of the constellations form part of a galaxy which is part of a larger system called the universe'', and i can't seem to find any websites which help me on things like that.

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The question has a number of parts I think, First how the solar system fits into the galaxy - so I guess you will need to find where is the solar system in relation to the rest of the galaxy so the sorts of questions to research would be:

What is our galaxy? name (milky way), type (spiral) etc.

How many stars in the galaxy?

How big is our galaxy? how does this size relate to other galaxies?

Where is the solar system, which spiral?

Which stars is our sun moving around etc?

Where are some of the stars visible in the night sky located in the galaxy (like which spiral arm (they have names))?

The second bit I think relates to how does how galaxy relate to it's neighbours and the rest of the universe, so these questions might be worth looking at?

What galaxies are in our local group? (could probably research M31 (andromeda) and it's predicted collision with the milky way as well)

How big is the universe? how many galaxies?

hope that helps, just about all of this sort of stuff can be found on the wikipedia, bbc, nasa and space.com websites.


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