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Tube rings- Ins & outs


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I've never used rings to mount an OTA on a saddle always using the Losmandy or Vixen type clamps. However I am forced to go this way. The Celestron RASA does not sit very well in the Losmandy clamp on the Paramount. Celestron rails have always been a couple of millimeters short of the 3.5" of the clamp spacing. This leads to the tube rail being clamped in some instances on an angle & I'm finding that despite leveling the tube it slips back to being on an angle as the paramount only has 3 grip points.

I've ordered a set of Parallax rings & these will be bolted to the versa plate & the tube rails removed. The OTA will then be ring mounted.

I know nothing about rings or there ability to hold a heavy OTA (perhaps 38 lbs fully loaded). Let me know your observations & experiences if you use rings.

A word of caution if you are thinking of moving side ways from a C11 to the RASA. It is a completely different beast both in its dimensions & the requirements to mount. Simply it looks & feels really big & yet in reality it is only a few inches different & no heavier. Physiological I know but it feels like a beast has been mounted! 

Clear skies to you all.

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