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Some lunar stuff from SWMBO's phone and my Tal1


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Borrowed (ahem) my wife's SE K800i phone for another go with my Tal1 110mm newt last night. I still prefer the pics from my Samsung (may the poor busted thing rest in piece :D ) The SE is just not me. Everythin came out a bit like a wet watercolour (sigh) Seeing wasn't perfect but I'm sure the old D900 coped with worse. Probably just me working it wrong.

Anyhoo, here's some pics;

Some Imbrian Peaks;


(click pic to make bigger)

Trying to pick out the Ariadaeus and Hyginus Rima (cheers for that itch Dave :( ) a day past sell-by;


Walter, Reg' and Purbach;


Ptol group;


Handheld & pretty sure they were at magx161 (15mm & x3 Barlow)...

...though the rima might've just been with a 7mm.



Ooh and I got an orrible wobbly little Saturn too;


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