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starting again - imaging setup?

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I have a fork-mounted 8" SCT (CPC800), and I love its ease of setup and how good it is for visual and planetary use. The fork mount and diagonal at the back make it simple for the kids to look through.

I've been doing some DSO imaging with it and my modified DSLR. Although my images won't be winning any prizes, I love the whole process from capturing to processing. So I'm thinking of selling up later in the year and getting something more suited to that.

For imaging, common advice is to start with a 80mm refractor and a GEM mount. But that could make things awkward than necessary  for visual/planetary. I have limited storage options for multiple tripods, mounts etc. The Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount looks ideal. Together with a 80mm refractor, and my current DSLR, I think that would start me off and give lots of options in the future. Does this sound reasonable?

Thinking further ahead, what do people do for closer images of DSOs (e.g. the Whirlpool galaxy)? It seems to me that this could be achieved with either an additional OTA with longer focal length, or another camera with a smaller sensor and pixels.

If a new OTA would be the common recommendation, would another SCT be suitable? That would also work well in AZ mode for visual. If not, would the alternative be suitable for visual/planetary use?


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I would recommend you get hold of a copy of Steve Richards book, "Making Every Photon Count" see FLO top of page for details. Probably the most used book by the forums imaging community there is, could save you money in the long run, enjoy :)

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If you want to get results without too much effort a Skywatcher Esprit ED80 APO triplet is a good choice, optics are good, focuser is good and it's optically fast so well suited for astrophotography. It's a scope that shouldn't give you any problems :)

Myself i would not recommend the Skywatcher ED80 DS-PRO that many others recommend, optics are ok (but slow), focuser is not very good and the scope is big and clumsy for being an ED80. The tube is the same size as the ED100 and the dew shield is really clumsy since it can't be slid on the tube like most scopes.

For mounts the AZ-EQ6 is a good choice. It's overkill for a ED80, but is a good choice if you might want to upgrade to a bigger scope later. It can nicely handle a 10" newtonian.

If you want to save some money on the mount you could also look at some used HEQ5's og NEQ6's. Both are good mounts.

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Whilst I have no doubts that there are better fracs than the ED80, I think there are enough images on sgl and indeed the internet in general to give it some creedance and at half the price of the esprit, it's certainly more affordable to most people. 

of course everyone is entitled to there opinion as long as they understand that mine is the right one ;).

I've not used the az/eq so I can't help you there other than to say they seem rather popular

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Thanks for all the suggestions.

I'll take a look at "Making Every Photon Count".

I'm interested in a number of 80mm refractors, including the Skywatcher ED80, TS Optics triplet, Altair doublet and triplet, and the 80mm Equinox. I ruled out TS Optics, because of their interesting quality control history. I know I'll be hanging a DSLR off the OTA, so the focuser is important to me. That has me leaning away from the ED80. Once you add in the costs of a flattener/reducer, or proper tube rings, the cost differences between these OTAs don't seem quite so significant. I'll take a look into the esprit too, but it looks to be far more expensive, even before adding in the reducer or tube rings.

I do know that if I get a mount, I'll have it for years. The AZ-EQ6 seems to tick all the boxes, and the reviews I've seen of it appeared positive.

Of course, the wife was somewhat skeptical when I told her that I might "downgrade" to a smaller telescope :)

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