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How far into diagonal should eyepieces sit?

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So my much-anticipated Luminos 15mm finally arrived. My two main problems at this point are:

  1. There is a solid overcast outside, and the entire weekend forecast is looking pretty bleak
  2. The Luminos is a rather bulbous affair, and when I place it in my diagonal, the thumbscrews make contact with the body of the EP. It's impossible to tighten the screws properly.

The 25mm Plossl that came with the scope can be inserted fully into the diagonal and the thumbscrews don't interfere at all, but it's shaped like a cylinder (and not a hand grenade). There seem to be plenty of other "large" EPs on the market so I doubt I'm the first person to face this problem. So what's the solution? Do I need to go out and buy smaller thumbscrews? Do I insert the EP less deeply into the diagonal (e.g. just to the machined line I see on the barrel)?




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You could get a 1.25" par-focalising ring and put it on the Luminos barrel. This would lift the bulbous part of the eyepiece above the set screws of the diagonal.

Orion (USA) do them in sets of 4 but they can be bought singly:


Option 2 is to replace the screws in the diagonal with thinner ones.

Option 3 is to replace the diagonal with one that has thinner screws.

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