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Hello from Denmark


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Hi all. 

While I'm telescope-less at the moment, I won't be in about 12 hours. After a lot of reading, watching videos, and what have you, my solution to the inevitable squaring of the circle that is aperture versus size, I found what I was looking for (I hope).

As serendipity would have it, as I was watching a review of the Skywatcher Heritage 130p dobsonian, I got a ping from a classified site here in Denmark. Lo and behold, someone had a nearly unused specimen. Texting ensued, and a virtual handshake later, agreement was arrived at.

If its condition is as promised, I'll have it in my hands tomorrow.

So, if all goes well I'll be looking at the planets day after tomorrow.

Of course, since I haven't done this before, I'll probably be asking a lot of questions--after the obligatory forum search, of course :)

Clear skies


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Hi Ulf,

Welcome to SGL hope you enjoy the forums. Try a planetarium program, plenty out there but stellarium is great and free to be found here :- http://www.stellarium.org/  .And if you need some reading material try 'turn left at orion' and 'sky&telescope pocket star atlas' these will help you round the sky.

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Heia Ulf og velkommen! :smiley: .

Had quite a few beers in Jomfru Ane Gade on many occations ( well I`m Norwegian and drinking beer in Jomfru Ane Gade is what we are expected to do in Denmark :wink: )

Good luck with your telescope. Got the same scope and I`m very pleased with it.


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Thanks for the welcomes.

Re: Turn left at Orion, I've already read it through--wish I'd read it earlier.

Off to pickup the scope. Hope it's in good condition.

I seem to be following tradition here--weather forecast sucks for the next three days. Ah well, at least I can check out the collimation and RDF.

Clear skies


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A warm welcome to the SGL Forums Ulpf.

Great people here, and all the help you might need to further your Astronomy knowledge.

Enjoy your new, well almost new, telescope.

Get familiar with how it operates mechanically, as they can be awkward to handle, especially Equatorial mounted ones.

Just yell if you need any help at all.

Best Wishes


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Hi Ulf and welcome to SGL hope everything works out for you regarding the scope and it is to you satisfaction, but keep a watch on the sky, you may already find it clouding over :mad: Enjoy your new acquisition and the forum :)

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