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Hello from Lyons, KS USA


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Hello everyone,

I'm Branden. I stumbled across this forum by watching some how-to videos on the Orion website, telescope.com. I have been stargazing for awhile now, and interested in the science of amateur astronomy since about the age of 12, when my dad bought me my first telescope, a Tasco refractor. Now I use an Orion SkyQuest XX14i intelliscope and enjoy hours and hours of observation with plenty of stuff to look at. It has a 355.5mm primary mirror, 1650mm focal length, f-ratio of 4.6 so I get a lot of good wide field views of things with my 35mm 2" eyepiece, and a limiting magnitude of 15.3 which allows me to see a lot of stuff many many lightyears away! I use Starry Night Pro Plus 6.4.3 for planetarium software, and have a star atlas created by Michael Vlasov that I use as a field guide, so the possibilities are just about endless! I look forward to being an active member here, and getting some good tips and offering my own personal experience as well! Can't wait to get to know all of you. Keep your eyes to the skies!

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