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Remote focusing for a 9.25 Celestron nexstar evolution

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I am looking for a combination of a finer focusing mechanism and not only a hand held controller but a link to my laptop. Does anyone have any equipment recommendations or suggestions and comment on their experience using the selection.

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I have the JMI motor focusers on both the standard focuser (main mirror) and the additional Crayford that I have added to my CPC925. Both of these focusers can be controlled via a supplied handset or via the Hitecastro Motorfocus unit which is PC driven. This is not a stepper motor arrangement bit it works well enough I find.

I will take some pictures later

Good luck


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Stuart, thanks for that. I will look at the equipment you list on line. Why have you chosen to have two focusers at all, won't one be enough? And then have decided to drive them both electronically thanks anyway. Jeff

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I have the crayford that I use for planetary imaging. It works better as the target stays on the small CCD sensor when focusing. If you focus with the main mirror it can "flop" either side of focus and the target / planet moves of the sensor.

I don't tend to use the crayford for the lower mag stuff hence the need for 2 focusers. It's a bit of a luxury to be honest.

I only have the one PC interface.


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It sounds as if I would be best to start with a Crayford for planetary work and add the JMI, and then the hitecastro. Before I contact the dealers is there anything I should know about which JMI or which Crayford it's best to choose. Thanks again for your help.

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Yes it you are doing planetary imaging then a second focuser on the back really helps, this removes the mirror flop issue.

I have a Skywatcher Crayford and its ok, not the best but it works. If I was buying one now I would get one of the rack and pinion ones as they seem much better. I think Revelation Astro (Telescope House) do these and they seem to get good review. The Baader Steeltrack look nice as well.

You can spend lots on focusers, Baader, Moonlight and Feathertouch all do these but the price starts to go up and up. I haven't looked at options recently so my info could be a bit out of date.

JMI are not the only people to offer motor focusers, lots of people add the basic but very useable Skywatcher Autofocuser motor to the focusers and they work.

Also, people do DIY projects with stepper motors and these programmable circuits, bit more fiddling around but good results.

As with everything in astronomy, no one answer regarding the best way to do things. Lots of options based on cost / performance / preference.

Good luck deciding which one!

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Hi all,

Firstly ...Stu, thanks for all that help. Really grateful for your time.

I have recently been advised by Telescope house to try a Meade Zero Image Shift-Electronic Micro-Focuser for their LX200 which will apparently fit the 9.25.

I know this is not what Stu has but it will work out quite a bit cheaper and is one unit and a controller rather than a Crayford and a focuser and a controller.

I wonder if anyone out there has tried this unit on the Celestron 9.25 and then how they have been able to control it from their laptop.

Hope this is not too silly a question...


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  • 2 months later...

I now have the meade zeroi mage shift microfocuser and control it from a hitecastro controller which will link to my laptop or work independently. The focuser is great and the controller software seems to do more than i will need so am well pleased with the setup.

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I have a relatively cheap revelation crayford & have fitted a skywatcher motor for fine focus of my SCT. It works a treat. I use the knob for coarse focus then the crayford for fine. If you just use the knob with or without a motor, you can still get mirror flop.

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