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problems controlling a dome and telescope through POTH and using Carte Du Ceil to drive the telescope with EQMOD Direct.

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Can anyone help. I have been trying to interconnect an EQ8 mount/Shelyak Dome Controller and Carte Du Ceil. I have used ASCOM POTH to link the dome to the telescope and set the telescope in Carte Du Ceil to ASCOM hub.

The three things do work together but I do not seem to be able to find a set of parameters that keeps the dome in sync with the telescope.

When I start from the EQMOD in PARK and the dome set to HOME if I send the scope to a point destination in Cart Du Ceil the dome, when slaved in POTH scope-dome, initially goes to the correct position but then moves off to a position that is around 45 degrees off on the azimuth.

I have checked all the settings for the dome and scope in POTH many times and these are correct.

It seems to be something to do with what EQMOD sees as the PARK position and what Carte Du Ceil does. They appear to be different.

Do I need to set the PARK position in CDC or is this irrelevant when the scope is connected via the POTH Hub?

I have on occasions had it working but to get synchronisation it is a bodge.

Has anyone out there managed to get these three elements working together

Richard Weatherley

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