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Hello from lightpolluted The Netherlands!


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Hello folks!

I am quite new to the astrophotography world and I hope to treat you fellow stargazers with some nice pictures from this light polluted country.

We are currently observing with a Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS on a HEQ5 mount with EQdir and Stellarium.

The imaging is done with a Sony Alpha a230 in prime focus.

So far I have yet to take a shot worth a prize but the first ones I captured gave me goosebumps!

The difference between the SW and a 60mm Tresco refractor I have been using for 10 years is incredible!

My images are still unguided but there is an autoguider and small guidescope on the horizon  :grin:

I added the first two pictures I ever took just 1 week ago. I present: the beautiful M81 and M82! 

Note the pictures I added are also taken without Flats hence the vignetting, it was clear skies to we took the opportunity to take some quick pictures.

Clear Skies!




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Hi Koen and welcome to SGL, well done with your two images. I have not slightest doubt that you were blown away with the difference between your Tasco 60 refractor, which you have been using for the last decade and your now acquired 200PDS on an EQ5, continue to enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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