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another eqmod question

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Ok I changed the slew speed and it started slewing, again though I had the (not responding) top left window , I pressed emergency stop but it still carried on in the end I had to switch it off at the mount, its as if it takes  one command and gets stuck on it

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I think I know what I have done, one big sodding DOH. I downloaded everything and  also followed the instructions for WIN 8 that ment uninstalling the driver and downloading an older version.  Only now I,m realising I,m on WIN 7  so I think the driver needs to be unistalled and the newer one installed. Excuse me while I find a wall to bang my head against

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Ok I changed the slew speed and it started slewing, again though I had the (not responding) top left window , I pressed emergency stop but it still carried on in the end I had to switch it off at the mount, its as if it takes  one command and gets stuck on it

This is got to be something to do with the com port .

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Ok I updated the driver and its worse now, wont even slew even though it says connected, every button I press I either get the TIMEOUT ERROR in the pane or I get (not responding at the top)

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I don't know the software, but this so sounds like a com port error. Com ports don't auto-configure, you need to use the device manager in wiindows and check that the settings are the same as in the program (especially baud rate and parity) are the same,. The way com ports work a wrong setting CAN work intermittently but it will send wrong data so something happens, but not always what you expect.

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Hi Paul,

Don't give up it can seem a little confusing at first but just take it one step at a time.

You can run EQMod without CDC in the frame, which just adds another lot of settings to the mix... run it without and get it running on it's own... then add CDC.

Looking at your screen shots it appears that you have not actually set up EQMOD... you appear to have just set up CDC and, unfortunately, a lot of this input just stays with CDC it is not automatically transferred to EQMOD.

For example... your EQMOD screens show different Latitude and Longitude and also time to those shown on CDC screen shots.... These must be identical or all sorts of strange thing can happen.

You must set up EQMOD first to use the correct COM port and also make sure it's coms parameters are correct.

You then set CDC to the same when you set it up later.

This Tutorial is a good one to follow: -


It is aimed at Windows 7 users mainly but does mention some thing that are different if using Windows 8.

I am sure your main issue is that EQMOD does not recognise the COM port... even though CDC appears too.

I hope this helps.

Keep happy... we are all here to helps each other and a great many of us have been through this same setup procedure, and all had some issues to deal with.

Best regards.

Sandy. :grin:

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Ok I have just opened EQASCOM and I managed to slew different directions ( I had to unpark scope first). I noticed that on site information it has co ordinates Lat/Long and three boxes for each one but when I type in 51.72   3.36 it says invalid parameters so dont know what I am doing wrong there, I will have a look at CDC later and try and match them etc. At least Im getting somewhere now

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Ok heres an update, managed to get it going everything seems fine even got CDC working with it. Heres my next question, how do I tell CDC/EQMOD what I want? I mean say for example i am looking west on CDC and Andromeda is there how do I tell the mount to slew to that position? cant seem to see it

And once again thanks for all the help


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ah right so if i clicked on andromeda or sirius then click slew top right it goes to wherever i have clicked, thanks its just getting used to it from synscan which asks you "slew to this positiion" . The only thing now will be aligning polaris  but that will have to wait untill I get a clear sky lol


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Ok heres an update, managed to get it going everything seems fine even got CDC working with it. Heres my next question, how do I tell CDC/EQMOD what I want? I mean say for example i am looking west on CDC and Andromeda is there how do I tell the mount to slew to that position? cant seem to see it

And once again thanks for all the help


How did you solve the problem.

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Still not sure I have resloved it lol. It works sometimes and sometimes it dosnt, TBH the problem seems to be with CDC freezing , even as the mount is slewing I still get the "ERROR TIMEOUT" even though it does complete the cycle. I set my mount up with a compass so that it was pointing North, I then just loosend  the clutch on the mount so the weights were pointing down, tightened the clutch up and switched it all on, On the right hand side of CDC I could see N,S,E,W so clicked on West as I knew the sun would be there, then I clicked on the sun and clicked slew, YES  it worked it slewed round and I could see that if a scope was attached it would be pointing at the sun. I spent the next hour just slewing to various things and it seemed to be ok ( sometimes it did freeze). The next thing will be learning how to star align, and Park no idea what park is but that will come

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