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Hello from Germany


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Hello everyone!


Short intro on me: my name is Mick Benjamins, originally from The Netherlands but living in Berlin for a bit over two years now.


As a kid I always dreamt about flying and travelling to space. How amazing would it be to fly into space an being able to look down at planet earth. To see stars and unknown planets from close by…


It was never more than a dream though, I had many other hobbies, being most active as a dj and producer (this still lets me fly and see the earth from above, just not as high as I dreamt about as a kid ;)). 


I have always been interested in sci-fi movies, being absolutely in love with the dystopian city of Blade Runner. Last year it was the movie Interstellar that got me thinking again…

Now I want to find out as much about black holes as I can. I can’t wait to see the moon up close for the first time, see the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter.


But my ultimate goal will be deep space gazing, since this seems be so much more amazing, we know so little about this and I have the feeling you can look at this for days!


So my current goals are:

-Getting my basic knowledge up to speed.

-Find out what telescope would suit me the most (Im not in a rush to buy one).

-Find out where the best spots around here (Berlin, Germany) are to do some stargazing.

-Get to know locals who are into stargazing

-Hopefully be able to attend a new meet!


Looking forward to see you guys around!



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Hi Mick,

Warm welcome to SGL.  That's a careful thoughtful approach. Try also a pair of binoculars and a couple of books 'turn left at orion' and 'sky & telescope pocket star atlas'. These will help you learn the sky, and when you have ten mins download a planetarium program, plenty out there but try Stellarium its great and free, to be found here :---- http://www.stellarium.org/ ...


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Hi Mick - very good plan and I admire your patience. I jumped right in with both feet which is pretty typical for me :smiley:  Anyway - all the info you could ever need is available on this forum so welcome to SGL and glad to have you aboard...

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Hi Mick and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. This place is full of people who are willing to share their knowledge and pass on experiences........ it's great :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks for the kind welcome everybody! :)

Hi Mick - very good plan and I admire your patience. I jumped right in with both feet which is pretty typical for me :smiley:  Anyway - all the info you could ever need is available on this forum so welcome to SGL and glad to have you aboard...

Hi Mick,

Warm welcome to SGL.  That's a careful thoughtful approach. Try also a pair of binoculars and a couple of books 'turn left at orion' and 'sky & telescope pocket star atlas'. These will help you learn the sky, and when you have ten mins download a planetarium program, plenty out there but try Stellarium its great and free, to be found here :---- http://www.stellarium.org/ ...


Haha, well lets see how long this approach lasts, in the past I have been buying music equipment off and on (synthesizers, drummachines etc etc) just to try to see what I like.

It was an endless thing of buying something, trying it, selling it (with a loss) and buying something else again.

I wasnt planning on going down that road again ;)

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