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What is the green object?


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I flew to South Africa in the national kruger park for safari and a bit of star gazing.

I took some photos over a period of minutes and I was told that the white blob is Venus.

I just wanted to know what the green object that appears to be moving is?





I took another picture a couple of days later from another location, and the green blob has definitely changed position.




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As I recall, recently Venus and Uranus were very close together. And the green object in your images looks to be about right for that planet. Do you recall when you took these pictures? Could it have been in February? It looks like you inadvertently made a nice capture of this rare event!

Clear Nights,


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Hi Dave,

The first four images I took on the 6th of April using my Sony camera, and the last image I took was on the early hours of the 11th of April using my iPhone and a pair of binoculars.



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Sorry, it wasn't Venus.

I'm basing that on what appears to be all 4 Gallean Moons which are consistanly seen in your photos, meaning Jupiter.

The green object is most likely something to do with your imaging set up, most noticable in your 5th image.

It moves the oposide way the planet.

I made this image when Venus and Uranus were close a few months back. 

They weren't as close as your image shows from what I can tell.

Venus and Uranus

Interesting images though, what set up did you use?

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Nice snaps of Jupiter, shame about the lens flare but I guess you could process it out.

It's moving because you are moving the camera so the angle and point of entry of the bright light source is changing.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the replies. The reason why I said it was venus is because the ranger pointed it out saying that we can also see the moon's of venus.

I snapped a few photos and saw the greenie, and decided to check out if there's a green moon. Turns out Venus doesn't have any moons, and so I'm not sure anymore.

So its definitely Jupiter then?

As for the setup, the first 4 images where on a tripod with a 10 second exposure with high iso.

The 5 image is simply a pair of binoculars over the camera lense of my iPhone held in my hand.



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I think you're right! It is Jupiter.

I downloaded Stellarium and entered the coordinates and approx times and "peered" into the sky and saw this:


The stars/moons seem to match my original images.

Just amazing  :grin:



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The reason why I said it was venus is because the ranger pointed it out saying that we can also see the moon's of venus.

Did they also point out some big grey lions that have trunks? ;)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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