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Hello from Norway!


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Hi all! 

I've been into astrophotography for a little while now. The good parts of the year are fairly short up here, so i get to go out a lot less frequently than i would like. I have an AVX mount with a 6 inch SC tube from celestron, and all I have for imaging right now is a Canon 60D. I have been struggling with periodic error, trailing, focus, and putting my images together, so I decided to join this forum to see if I could get some answers. 

I study Geomatics at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, about 40 minutes south of Oslo which has turned out to be a pretty fair dark site! I know a little programming in Python and Matlab and I am hoping to use some of that in image processing as I get better at it. As it happens I am a DIY kind of guy and hoping to build my own telescope mount some day just for fun. We learn a lot about coordinate systems and transformation matrices, so I think it would be fun to implement that into the project as well however, I realize that would be several years down the road (Astrophotography is an extremely expensive hobby). 

Other than that I was hoping to find someone else nearby to talk to about this hobby. As far as I know, the astronomy community in Norway is non-existent, or... hiding. But in any case, it would be nice if someone could say hello or point me in the right direction!

Oh, and as for my username: I named my home server Deimos after the smallest Martian moon, because, lets face it... it's not that big. Then I realized ALL of stuff is on that thing. Hence Deimosian. Then I googled it, and... its not that unique... 

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Hey Deimosian, and welcome to SGL! Always nice to see a fellow norwegian.  :grin: I study in Oslo so we're not that far away.

I think the most active norwegian (or rather nordic) community on the internet can be found at astro-forum.no.

If you want a programming project involving image processing and coordinate systems, you could try writing a plate solving program! I am definitely tempted to try that myself. Python might be a bit too slow though.  :smiley:

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Heia og velkommen fra meg på vestlandet.  :smiley: .

There are some astronomy communities in Norway, but not alot I`m afraid.

You can check out the community list at Nas-veven.no  

For me its "The Loners" hobby.

Theyre building an observatory with a 62cm f /3,4 telescope not that far away from me, hopefully they will have some open nights sometime in the future.


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Hi and welcome to SGL - This is a great international forum. I am in Spain and have found that imaging can be very isolating, but the forum and the friendly and helpful folks on here have really helped. And I've made some great friends from this forum as well :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Greetings Deimosian and welcome to SGL! Didn't realize that about Mars' moon and come to think of it - not sure I knew Mars even had a moon. Boy do I have a lot to learn...  :)

Clear Skies!

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