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How ro focus a SW 200 PDS using a PC?

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Dear friends,

I have recently bought my first CCD camera and filter wheel and realised that it is practically very difficult to focus my Skywatcher 200 PDS using the focuser knobs while looking at the computer's monitor at the same time. Hence I am contemplating with the idea of controlling the focuser from the PC. Initially I thought of using the SW auto focuser in combination with FCUSB, but then I realised based on older threads that the auto focuser is not directly compatible with the dual speed crayford focuser of the 200 PDS. Moreover, the focuser is not mentioned in the list of tested focusers that are compatible with FCUSB in the website of Shoestring astronomy. I wonder if someone could share with me any ideas on how I could overcome this issue and control the focucer from my PC.

Many thanks in advance,


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I done a post about 1 or 2 years ago on how to do it,---- it can be done . just a update on this I useing Sequence Genertor Pro and the SW focuser work well with this program it do star test and re focus for you no more hard work . if you can not find the old post  i do the photo again if it help you , all you do just turn it round and fit the motor on the one focus knob side. you see the post is on a 250p-ds still the same as the 200.

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Many thanks to both. I have found the old thread and will follow it. The attached photos cannot be downloaded any longer but the youtube video at the end of the thread is still available. I was just hoping that in the meantime another easier solution would have been found.

Kind regards,


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To fit the auto-focuser you have to remove the 4 screws from the bottom plate.  When you have taken this off the focuser control shaft with knobs on it just fall out.  Un screw the single one

with  little alan key, in the kit you have 2 or 3 parts, use the silver aluminium one with the rubber in the end.  Fit this to the shaft with rubber end pointing out.  Replace it so the 2 knobs are at the front.  Refit the plate with the longer screws and the plate which holds the motor on.  Now fit the motor to the end of the plate, the shaft push into the rubber gromit and is really tight, no need to do up the alan screw on this side.

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There are other motorfocuser options as well. JMI/Lakeside/Baader Steeeldrive etc, but they all cost more than the mentioned Skywatcher/HiTec combo. I use the Lakeside on my Sykwatcher ed80, although it is a different focuser - you just get a bracket for the focuser you have.

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