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Modest Upgrade

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Hi All

I am considering a modest upgrade. I currently have an AM130eq which I intend on keeping. I am looking to get an additional scope mainly for planets and DSO's but one that is a little more maintenance free. I would like to do a small amount of AP, I have a micro4/3 camera. I would like it to be more of a place it and use it scope, so minimum cooldown time. I was looking at either a Refrac or Mak but nothing too large and heavy. GoTo is an option? or does it require lots of setting every time?. Image quality better than the AM130 if possible.

Thanks in advance

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Bit of a nightmare set of requirements and no idea of budget.

Planets a Tal or similar refractor, or a 127ish Mak/SCT.

DSO a wider field scope that collects light, 150P(PL) or 200P.

AP (DSO) a short good scope (not achro) that is fast, preferably small so no strain on the mount.

Everyone of those is different.

The Mak/SCT with a webcam will do planets, but there are not many of them, 2 at present, and a moon.

For any imaging tracking/goto is required and for visual with a Mak/SCT again it is almost essential - things go out of view too fast otherwise.

AP really means forget visual, the equipment is different. Also there is a sort of minimum requirement. For AP you do not want "big", except in the mount.

I use a 90mm ED for planets and all round viewing, also have a 105 Mak that is at times useful on planets.

However magnification is not overly important to me so they do me well.

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Yes, sorry it is a bit of a list. I enjoy my 130 but sometimes I only have an hour to spare so would like something a little quicker to set up and also to track once it is in view. My budget is modest but could go to a Max of £400. I like the idea of a GOTO make but the 127 looks a little heavy. I also have a set of revelation plossls which may influence which scope is less critical of them. I also would like to take it in my caravan to some dark sites we sometimes stay at.

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To track means a mount and motors, and future or present ideas of AP mean an equitorial.

A goto EQ5 is £500.

An EQ5 with motors comes to £350.

An EQ3-2 goto is £380.

To set a goto up will take about 15 minutes once you get the hang of it, but goto's need power so that is something else.

Tracking only is easier, at least for visual.

I suppose the easiest scope to use is a simple refractor, little difficult to suggest anything specific.

There is a Bresser 102/600 achro for 220€ about £165.

Weighs 4kg, so would go on the EQ3-2 I think.

Means about £550.

Bresser do the scope on their own EXOS-2  goto for 870€ about £650, the non-goto is 540€ about £400 but as said non tracking/goto.

Have a read: Bresser

Not sure it would however improve the image quality you get, which was asked for initially.

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Thanks. I guess I am just looking for an additional scope that is more portable. I have a motor drive for my AM130 so can use that to dip my toes in the AP waters. I have no issue with an eq mount except they tend to be heavy. I didn't realise goto's required setting up every time. So recommendations for a portable scope with good viewing,.I also have a Travel scope 70 but dislike the tripod so maybe I should invest in an eq or alt-az tripod for that?

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Quick setup really means a manual mount with or without tracking, not goto.

To set up a goto you need to set the scope/mount up, enter data and perform the alignment.

Nothing difficult but each one takes time.

The scope mentioned 102 refractor would be good and something like the Vixen Porta Mount - the smaller one.

Bresser/ES do a similar mount that is an option, just not sure of the name at present, think it is an ES offering.

Mount is a Twilight 1.

Suppose the problem is that you then spending money on a manual option which in honesty cannot be carried over to AP.

Added to which you already in effect have a manual setup from what I can make out.

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