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Extra Kelling Heath Star party in November

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Heads up that an extra Star Party is being organised in November by Birmingham AS in the Red Field.

It might be small as it's a first time and at the moment the pitches are restricted to 50 only, but I am sure if there is enough demand this will change.

I was tipped off about this when I was at Kelling and was asked to pass on the word.



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Interesting; I might consider this.

Though the big question will be which pitches in the red field. The ones at the bottom (pitches 400+) don't have good views of the sky due to trees. The pitch we originally got at the recent Sping Star Party, the sky was about 65-75% obscured by trees, so we managed to get moved to a slightly better pitch, with about 30% obscured. 

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As one of the organisers of this event (as Chairman of Birmingham Astronomical Society) we are hoping this will be the first of many "Winterfest's". I am looking forward to crisp clear skies. It may be cold, but isn't that the best condition for observing. Wrap up warm and enjoy the winter constellations. I am hoping to see many of you there. We may only have 50 pitches allocated, but I'm sure we can fill them and more.


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A note to esxste, we have arranged for the top of the red field. I have booked 301. The pitches next to the top hedge (low 300's) will probably provide some wind shielding. And a note for gooseholla just wrap up warm and enjoy the skies.


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I think there should be star parties at Kelling all the year round!!.  Alas after the main event in the Autumn, I probably wouldn't have the time to go to any others - not even the current Spring one.  The best of luck with this event Steve, I hope it's a great success.

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Great David, see you there.  

What happened to Sand Dune?  


:-) Sand Dune was the name of a web application for amateur astronomers I was working on in 2007 and I used it as my forum name on this and many other forums

In retrospect it just seemed stupid as it implied I had some association with a large pile of finely crushed rock being blown around the desert.....i.e. it had no meaning lol!

...now the question remains ...what association did my web app have with a large pile of finely crushed rock being blown around a desert?

It came from Carl Sagan's comment that there are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth :-)

The association was as tenuous as the popularity of my web app which was never launched by the company I was working for LOLOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tempting indeed - I would book in if it weren't for the fact that we always go to Ft William in November for a special event - so unfortunately it would be one trip too many for us. We'll be there for the autumn equinox this year though. :)

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Just had my pitch moved from 352 to 309 to take advantage of that tree line :-)

Could be a life saver with the wind coming in off the sea....in November...brrrr!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it happened, and we had 2 good nights of viewing. It got a bit windy and a bit wet on the Saturday afternoon and Sunday, but I had a thoroughly good time meeting most of you, and I even did some time laps photography (A first for me) I am trying to arrange for the Yellow field for next year as its less exposed to the wind.

Hope you all enjoyed it

Steve Woodfield

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