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Hello and please advise


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Hello fellow astronomers :)

I'm thinking to return to this beloved hobby once again. My last stop very short, I got my Dobsonion 250mm some 10 years ago without any observing experience just because I read it was best price for a size, but I guess I was expecting to see magazine quality images and find it difficult to transport, so it sits in a corner without any use for very long time now. Although I never forget emotions I had when first saw Saturn and Andromeda :)

So this time I don't want make to same mistake and want to get something that is easy to handle and transport and the price tag is a bit less important compared when I was student :)

I'm thinking about SkyMax Mak 150 on EQ5 or some similar setup. Let me mention I plan to do some astrography, not necessary very soon, but eventually. Then I was thinking maybe to buy some monster mount like EQ6 and use it with my 250, but I guess I wouldn't use it that often because of transportation issue I already mentioned.

So what would do in my shoes? Am I thinking right about my new kit? Or are there any other options around that budget. Of course I plan to spent more in a future if I stick with my hobby again, so some equipment that could be upgradable in future is a good option for me.

p.s. I live in town, but have some place I can go to 40km away from home where skies are really dark once in a while.


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Hi There,

Firstly take a deep breath and step back. Buy a book called 'making every photon count'. This will save you cash in the long run. For imaging its all about the mount, so to take long term decisions really decide what you are going to do once you have read the book.

You have a great piece of kit in the 10" dob, even though that is a great scope you are not visually going to see 'hubble' images. When visual, dso's rarely reveal any colour or intricate structure.

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Hi There,

Firstly take a deep breath and step back. Buy a book called 'making every photon count'. This will save you cash in the long run. For imaging its all about the mount, so to take long term decisions really decide what you are going to do once you have read the book.

You have a great piece of kit in the 10" dob, even though that is a great scope you are not visually going to see 'hubble' images. When visual, dso's rarely reveal any colour or intricate structure.


Hello and welcome to the forum :)

Clear skies !

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Hi StarReacher and welcome to SGL, a difficult question, however , you may receive more advice, if you post in the Equipment help and advice section, which has a greater  following, rather than here in the Welcome section. I think to make some sort of constructive recommendation, information such as : are you able to observe from home ?, is there much light pollution ?, anything in particular you want to observe ?, do you have transport facilities ?, would be welcome information. Your 250mm Dob is a fine instrument and will reveal much in the night sky, there is the option of the EQ6 but there again you could invest in a tracking base unit, whatever you decide enjoy the forum :)

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Welcome back to the never-ending party!

As others have said, you have a fine telescope, at least in terms of aperture. Can't comment on astro-photography (I'm eyes-only, luckily for my wallet) except that from what I read, it can easily become a huge outlay of cash, not to mention time...spectacular possibilities notwithstanding.

Of course, each to their own - but if it was me I'd be looking to really ride that 10" to wonders unseen :)

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Welcome to SGL damm fine scope you have there, Your never going to get photo quality images through the Dob, without going down the astrophotrapy route and a lot money changing hands and changing the mount.

I hate it you see all these glossy images in advertisements for selling scopes but they dont tell you how they aquired them.

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Hi and welcome

I have been stargazing less than a year using a SkyWatcher EQ5 mount. This is quite weighty including the counterweights so my experience is when thinking about transport don't just think about scope size but also mount size and weight

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