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Skywatcher 8 inch + NEQ5 vs Skywatcher 12 inch dob - first buy

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Hello amigos,

I have recently revived (from a childhood) this fantastic hobby which is astronomy. To refresh my knowledge of the sky I bought Celestron Skymaster 15x70 bins and I’ve been using them almost every day (in Spain there is always a clear sky). Now I want to get a scope but I’m in the middle of refurbishing my new apartment so my wife is not so much keen on spending too much right now. My budget is ~€1000. Also I would like to do astrophotography in the future.

What I had in mind was this:

Skywatcher N 200/1000 PDS (8”) + NEQ-5 Pro SynScan GoTo

But I know myself and I’m just afraid that I will get to the point where I will want more. So I was thinking to get a 300 (12”) dobsonian and in the future get a NEQ-6 Pro for it. I know it’s a beast but I have a cottage house in the mountains where I will keep it without moving it much.

The problem is that all Skywatchers 300 I have seen are FlexTube and not sure if I can convert it for EQ mount.

What would you recommend go with 8 inch or 12?


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The flextube wont be able to be mounted to an EQ mount I don't believe as theres no tube things for it to sit on the mount with.

For me, it boils down to the astrophotography, if you really want to do it in the future, go for the mount and tube, because you'll need it eventually, rather than having to buy it later on when you've already spent money on another scope.

If you decide you don't want to do any astrophotography, then go for the dob for ease of use and set up time.


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Hi R2D2,

The scope above (10") would need the capacity of the eq6, scope weighs in at 18kg and the mount will take 25kg.. Are you  in the dark skies of the villages behind Alicante such as Tibi ,Jijona or Agost ?? If you want to image then you will need an excellent mount and ota to go with it, perhaps a smaller apo refractor. As above really if you do not wish to persue imaging  go for the biggest dob you can get up the mountain roads!

There is an excellent book 'making every photon count' I would reccomend that you have a read before splashing hard earned cash, it will save you money in the long run.

Spent a lot of time in San Juan up the road from Alicante.

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Thank you all for advice.

I saw a video on you tube of a guy setting up EQ mount with tracking (it was NEQ6) and it takes quite a lot of time to have it running. I think as a start I will go for Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX Dobsonian which is only €600 via Astroshop + some better eyepieces.

When I’ll get “comfortable” with it I’ll get EQ6 with tracking and mount the tube using rings. I want to enjoy both visual and astrophotography.  :grin: 

Thank you for the tip on the book will get it this weekend.

I’m currently living in San Juan (Beach). :smiley:
  The cottage house is in the village of Onil. Also a local astronomy club (that I’m going to join) has a perfect spot nearby where you have a perfect view of the Milky Way with a naked eye.

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Thank you all for advice.

I saw a video on you tube of a guy setting up EQ mount with tracking (it was NEQ6) and it takes quite a lot of time to have it running. I think as a start I will go for Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX Dobsonian which is only €600 via Astroshop + some better eyepieces.

When I’ll get “comfortable” with it I’ll get EQ6 with tracking and mount the tube using rings. I want to enjoy both visual and astrophotography.  :grin: 

Thank you for the tip on the book will get it this weekend.

I’m currently living in San Juan (Beach). :smiley:  The cottage house is in the village of Onil. Also a local astronomy club (that I’m going to join) has a perfect spot nearby where you have a perfect view of the Milky Way with a naked eye.

If its astonomy shed video, its excellent but 1) He shows you many things you only really ever need to do ONCE. Getting the home position, setting up the polar scope alignment, levelling the base and truing up the mount level and many other things on the video...all only needs to be done once, and its set permanently.

2) it doesn't take anywhere near as long to do it as he does! He takes a long time explaining everything. (He is very precise and clear isnt he!)

It took me a couple of hours to set mine up first time, getting everything perfect, now because i took the time to do that,  it only takes me 5 minutes each time and i am done. Once you have done it once, its a five minute job and you don't have to touch the scope for the rest of the entire night!

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Dont see why not, depends on funds really.

Just to reiterate how easy it is to set up an EQ mount for visual use, I set my friends cheapo EQ mount up just now, no polar scope or anything....well its daylight so that wouldn't have helped anyway. But i just set the Dec to 51deg because i am in the UK, pointed his tripod due north roughly (Using my memory of where i thought the pole star should be) and he was amazed that with such a haphazard and inacurate set up method, it tracked the moon perfectly for two hours...he is coming back tonight because i bet him it will still be tracking perfectly tonight.

If it is...wife and I get dinner tomorrow night. Game on!

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I was about to order Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX Dobsonian over the weekend but I saw this beast:

Sky-Watcher Dobsonian Telescope 305mm/1500mm (12")  (http://www.skywatcher.com/product.php?cat=6&id=250)

I guess it is just a bigger version. But what worries me is that I can't find any reviews online and it's not sold by FLO or Astroshop.eu. 

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I called the guy from online telescope shop in Spain (http://astrocity.es) and he told me that if my final destination is astro-photography of DSO 8" is a better choice. Since anything above 8"  focuses more at the centre, which is good for planets but not DSO. 

So in the end I got Skywatcher Dobson 200/1200 and I will get HEQ5 when I'm ready to shoot.

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