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EQ3-2 mount - should it rotate horizontally?

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I'm trying to understand how my EQ3-2 mount works. Once I've polar aligned it I want to swing it around quickly to other areas of the sky (say towards Jupiter) but I can't work out how to get it to move. I have undone the hand screw under the mount and twisted the Azimuth Adjustment knob side screws (loosened them) but the mount only swinds on the horizontal axis by an inch or two left and right. Am I missing something or do I need to move the whole tripod (and if that is the case what is the point of polar aligning?) 

Sorry for the dumb question!

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Once you have polar aligned using the azimuth and elevation knobs, don't touch them again that observing session.

To move where the scope is pointing, release the RA clutch and Declination clutch and the mount swings in two planes, one around the Polar axis (RA) and the other at right angles to this (declination). Your mount is an equatorial mount so won't go left to right, up and down, that is an alt-azimuth mount.


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