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first scope - Skywatcher Explorer 150p or 200p?

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Thanks Matt :) that would suit me actually - to be totally honest at this stage I would be happy getting a half decent shot of the moon using my iPhone and I have just done a quick search on here and somebody has managed some fab shots of Saturn through an iPhone and their 200p dob!

I am definitely going to order the dob and a moon filter, just need to decide about extra eyepieces now.

Hi Natuk1 there are a lot of threads on here at the moment ref Eye pieces and 200p Dobs. Take a little time to trawl through the threads and you will probably find a lot of answers to your pending questions good luck
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Perhaps look out for a seconhand Skywatcher 200 p Flextube Goto on ABS that way you get both tracking and some astro photo it's hard with a push I've tried like said before moon etc but planets Saturn etc do wiz by in the eyepiece quickly also the Goto is really easy and great if your learning .

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If you are also interested in the sun you must also get the right solar filter to be able to do this. Without it you would badly damage/blind your eyes or melt your camera.

My moon filter doesn't get used it is a lot quicker to shove my sunglasses on for the Moon only if it is very full.

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Wow, that one looks fancy! A bit out of my price range new and I have had a look for second hand scopes in my area over the past couple of weeks but there's nothing going at the moment.

Oooh, I hadn't thought about the sun! Will have to look into filters for that too as I bet that's an interesting sight

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My moon filter doesn't get used it is a lot quicker to shove my sunglasses on for the Moon only if it is very full.

I was just about to suggest this, every little bit of cash that can be saved when you start this hobby can be quickly spent on something else  :grin:

Good luck, you will get some great views with the 200P.

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Synscan Dobs are great for visual use, but if you really want to dabble in AP, then they aren't up to it. An HEQ5 is the bare minimum and most use NEQ6 and above mounts when they get serious about it!

If you are just going out into the garden for your viewing etc, get a small dome observatory (Sometimes find them on ebay!), get yourself an EQ5 200p, get a friend to help you set it up, get it aligned and leave it out there. (Bonus, no cooldown time!) :grin:

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My 2c (maybe 0.2c since I'm new to this and waiting for my first scope to arrive still!) on the Synscan flextube is that the tube is actually heavier on the flex than the standard solid tube and will still not be great for serious AP. The other disadvantage is that you wont be able to out the flextube on an EQ mount later as the rings will want to be where the trusses are for correct balance so the solid tube at least gives you this option later on.

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Depends on how much AP you want to do and the degree I've used the several flextube I've owned with good results if your serious fair play may as well go straight in with neq6 but that is heavy I found the flex really good all round image Collimation and you can transport really easy to dark sites more so than a solid tube Horses for courses really . The 200p breaks down to a really managble size much easier to assemble .

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Thanks everyone, i wouldn't mind my own little observatory but at this stage I'm still leaning more towards the 200p dob.

If I can get a few pics using my phone through the eyepiece then I'll be happy for now :) I think for starters it'll be the best way to learn the skies, it's affordable and if I do find I want to get seriously into AP when I have some experience then I can always upgrade in the future! :)

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I have the skyliner 200p Dob, it is still regarded as Britain's most popular scope. It is a quite hefty thing, the base being the main weight, you could always separate the tube from base and move it in two parts, but I wouldn't recommend this,as your putting tube at more.risk of bumps and knocks which could slew the mirrors slightly out of alignment.

I love my scope for its simplicity, and the aperture/cost ratio is excellent.

Agree that moon filter will not get used all that much, although a UHC filter would be useful for some deep space objects such as nebula.

I spent weeks of research on eyepieces before I made my first upgrades, after all they are the workhorse in the observing, take your time and read all the reviews, and ask around here. A poor eyepiece choice is just money in the bin I think.

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post-40268-0-08114500-1430003666_thumb.jHi Nat, this is an image quickly snapped with my Iphone using my new 32mm panaview with a x2 barlow, ( love that EP ) in my 200p dob.                     Not the best viewing conditions but for a quick snap it looks fine to me.

post-40268-0-49980200-1430003441_thumb.j this is one without the barlow

post-40268-0-44591500-1430004145_thumb.jthis with an 8mm BST

 So you see that even without good viewing conditions you can get decent results from your Dob and Phone

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That's pretty good for a mobile phone, I tried getting a snap of the crescent moon a few nights ago bit I think I was getting a spider vane obstruction in the view, and the definition was poor, given that it was a clear night with better than average "seing"

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Thanks for all of the advice - the 200p dob has just been ordered :) fingers crossed for some clear skies soon!

Those photos are absolutely amazing, exactly what I have in mind for as far as I want to go AP wise for the moment, thanks!

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