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Feathertouch focuser installtion ruined collimation?

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Hello folks,

I'm new to astronomy and this forum. I got a CPC11 EdgeHD scope a few months ago and all was working amazingly well. The collimation, optics were superb out of the box and I even got some great planetary shots with a webcam.

All until I decided to install a Feathertouch focuser. The adapter that goes into the shaft was not proper and I tried to install it anyway. I didn't use any undue force but did manage to put it all together. In the end I couldn't get the focuser to work.

I re-installed the stock focuser, but now the knob though turns (its gotten much stiffer) but nothing happens. When I point at a terrestrail light I only see two half discs not overlapping at all. Earlier when the scope was out of focus it showed one perfectly round disk and focussing brought the obejct into view. Now the half disks dont move no matter what I do with the focuser. Its raining here, so I cannot defocus a star.

Does this sound like collimation has horribly gone bad? Or is there something else gone wrong with the scope. Can fiddling with the focuser effect the collimation so badly?

I'm quite nervous as this was a huge investment and am still getting flak from the wifey smile.gif.

Any help would be appreciated.

thanks much

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