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Manual Stacking

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Nebulosity costs more than a polar scope or motor drive - and I haven't got a polar scope or motor drive ;-)

I've used GIMP in the past and found it rather clunky - though I am sure it is better now. The current version is a torrent download though and my ISP seems to be set to block torrent downloads.

Is there something that is absolutely basic for manual stacking?

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Nebulosity costs more than a polar scope or motor drive - and I haven't got a polar scope or motor drive ;-)

I've used GIMP in the past and found it rather clunky - though I am sure it is better now. The current version is a torrent download though and my ISP seems to be set to block torrent downloads.

Is there something that is absolutely basic for manual stacking?

I've had problems downloading GIMP too - some dodgy adware or worse as I remeber last time I looked. Maybe dependent on download source. Also found it clunky too.

Simple question. If I have a small number of fames to stack thta seem to resist all attempts at automatic stacking, is there a simple programme that will let me stack them manually, without having to cough up for photoshop?

...Small number of frames - you mean AVI?

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Go to www.gimp.org to download gimp.

The gimp guru site was taken over by some unscrupulous folk that would like to control your PC so don't go there.

TSED70Q, iOptron Smart EQ pro, ASI-120MM, Finepix S5 pro.

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Nebulosity free ???  i just looked and it says $80 am i missing someting  :smiley: 

As I said, if you use it with jpegs its free to use (demo version) - I have sometimes. If you use RAW files without buying it you get diagonal lines across the image.


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> ...Small number of frames - you mean AVI?

No, before I got a scope, I took a fair number of constellation shots, but all on an ordinary tripod without stacking in mind.  Also I have some sets of (I think) excellent moon shots but Registax keeps getting the lower part double-registered and astrostakkert insists on cropping the images (they are about 16 megapixel). The top part of them that Registax does stack polishes up nicely, so I'd like to stack them properly.


I'll give that a try. i now a professional wildlife photographer who has made a stepper-motor operated camera mount for taking the images for focus stacking. Interestingly despite having mega-expensive kits he prefers a good bridge camera for macro work due to the better depth of field - not a big selling point for AP, I know.

> As I said, if you use it with jpegs its free to use (demo version)

Ah, missed that.

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> ...Small number of frames - you mean AVI?

No, before I got a scope, I took a fair number of constellation shots, but all on an ordinary tripod without stacking in mind.  Also I have some sets of (I think) excellent moon shots but Registax keeps getting the lower part double-registered and astrostakkert insists on cropping the images (they are about 16 megapixel). The top part of them that Registax does stack polishes up nicely, so I'd like to stack them properly.

So if you mean RAW or JPEG can you stack with Deep Sky Stacker?

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The moon shots try using PiPP to align and crop them (or do this manually if there aren't too many) they might fit into registax then.

The constellation shots, if they are just from a DSLR on a tripod then you may have problems with both field rotation and field curvature. These will make stacking a bit of a nightmare for DSS. Try lining them up with transparency in an image processing app and check that they actually fit together ok.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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