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 I took advantage of the nice weather, but need much more time on this one.  The problem was dew and visibility - I couldn’t even make out the milky way and despite a dew heater, had to resort to frequent use of the hairdryer.


48 minutes of luminance, 30 mins each of RGB, all binned 2x2, using the deforked CPC1100.


And I need to do some flats.......


Possibly better quality image here: http://www.astrobin.com/full/172799/0/







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Thanks Tim.  It's a tricky target, being only 7 minutes across, so I was pleased with the detail which did come out.  Hopefully the weather will give another chance to get more data this year....


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I hope you get that break in the weather and get yourself some clear data, but to fair you have done well with what you have, nicely processed and good core control. I look forward to the next installment.


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