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Heelo from Woodbridge, VA USA


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Hello all, I am just getting back into Astronomy after breaking my Meade 6" Reflector 10 years back. I just picked up a cheap Galileo FS-102MOH at an auction. I cant believe my luck as it came with about $750 worth of lenses and a camera for $80 bucks. I just need to mount it on a better tripod and mount.

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Greetings Halftrack! You're the closest SGL member to my location that I've seen on the forum so far. Sounds like you got a heck of a deal at that auction and all this time I thought all they ever put up for sale at those things was antique furniture and old metal box springs *LOL* Used to do some flea marketing many years ago and hit the auctions to stock up on things to sell but don't believe I ever saw any astronomy equipment so you've stumbled on a rare find that's for sure.

Anyway, good luck with your new gear and if you ever make it down to Staunton and want to do some observing just let me know. In-laws have a 160 acre farm 1/4 mile down the road and I built a camp in the back where the skies are pretty dark when the clouds occasionally decide to cooperate ... :)

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