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Essex Jupiter, 13-4-15


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So glad i had a quick peek tonight, looked pretty clear so rushed out and managed 30 minutes imaging and 10 minutes visual

30% of 6000 frames stacked in Autostakkert, wavelets R6, tweaked with online editor.

C8 edge, TV 2x barlow, Asi 120mc


I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of this lark

edit --- I beleive the Shadow and moon is Io

Taken at 21:16

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Is that not the limb darkening? how long were the AVI's? I decided to go for long exposures (and did throw a x2 lens on the filter wheel), I aimed for an amount of frames for each channel, though was doing full ROI and was hitting around 25fps...so not that high. I have also been messing around with the wavelet settings. and comparing gaussian and non blends....seems as though my blue channel does better with a non gaussian wavelet, yet the others do better with gaussian. perhaps an evening down the pub would be called for...to have an imaging heads together session. 8-) 

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Is that not the limb darkening? how long were the AVI's? I decided to go for long exposures (and did throw a x2 lens on the filter wheel), I aimed for an amount of frames for each channel, though was doing full ROI and was hitting around 25fps...so not that high. I have also been messing around with the wavelet settings. and comparing gaussian and non blends....seems as though my blue channel does better with a non gaussian wavelet, yet the others do better with gaussian. perhaps an evening down the pub would be called for...to have an imaging heads together session. 8-)

2 minutes to 2 minutes 30 secs, looks more like a stacking problem to me ... I'll have a play at the weekend.

It has come out very nicely.

Thanks bunny
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