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Hello from Lisburn, Northern Ireland


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Hi all,

As title I'm from Lisburn in NI. Making the move into astronomy mainly to expland on my photography hobby, my dad had a bit of an interest in Astronomy when I was a kid but nothing too impressive. It would also be nice to have something I can do in the evenings (other than watching TV) when the kids have gone to bed.

Currently have very little astronomy equipment other than my dads old Orion 200 8" telescope and lenses. It is currently on an old, non-motorised (and slightly damaged) EQ5 mount; this is going to be replaced with a HEQ5 Pro SynScan GoTo mount towards the end of the summer with the hope of upgrading the scope next year.

I'm pretty handy with computer systems so I'm currently rigging up a system for my large shed that will let me control my Nikon D7100 camera and the motorised mount using a PC attached to a couple of large screens. Currently planning to use Stellarium to control the mount but also considering buying something else, perhaps the latest RedShift as my dad said it was great when he used it years ago, any thoughts on this would be great.

Looking forward to reading through the forum to hopefully find answers to all my questions, even the ones I haven't thought of yet!


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Yeh I think that scope should be plenty to start off with, I'm planning to mainly start off looking at the moon then perhaps planets before trying anything too difficult...hoping that should keep me going for a while without having to throw lots more money at it.

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Hi Pete and welcome to SGL from another imager. I remember when I used to 'do' daytime photography, thought I'd try my hand at astro and now I'm hooked!

Look forward to seeing you around :)

You have now signed up to be the person I pester with all my imaging questions!! Being able to do it all remotely sounds utterly fantastic

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Hi Pete & welcome

Sky safari 4 for android or i seems to be a pretty nifty way to control a goto, but you wouldn't have the large screens.

Have you tried Oxford Island? - it's a designated dark sky site...  http://www.darkskydiscovery.org.uk/dark-sky-discovery-sites/map.html

Yeh I had considered taking a run up there as it's only 15 mins away. I'm pretty new to all this so I'm aiming to put plenty of time learning at home before I venture further.

Being a bit of a tech fiend I am planning to control all from the PC in the shed and once I have a good grasp on that I can use remote desktop to do it from the sofa in the house :)

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I'll think of you when I'm out in the freezing cold!

I actually don't mind the cold but I am very partial to over-complicating things at every opportunity. Being a hardware engineer I am also looking forward to creating some crazy custom mechanismns for guiding and focusing...however that's for a much later date.

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