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Todays Sun


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Just posting before  the men in white coats come for me :)

This is all I have to show for today so far, taken a few short vid's trying to anticipate gusts of wind, hard drive on imaging laptop nearly full so I transferred them to a USB stick and deleted them from the laptop, took the USB indoors and discovered I'd copied the wrong date folder but unfortunately I'd managed to delete the right folder, so all todays stuff gone  :mad:


post-21198-0-55772200-1428850139.jpg  post-21198-0-13514500-1428850140.jpg

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Oh dear dear dear! never delete until you are satisfied everything has transferred correctly the other side. Sometimes corruption occurs so I never delete until I am sure it is fine and in the correct destination. Some super images though, we had nothing but wind cloud and rain yesterday until of course 6pm when it went totally clear ready for the working week again.


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Good to see you getting some images, Dave, very nice results :)

I managed to delete some files the other day, I normally compress them through PIPP, delete the originals, and stack the PIPPed files. Managed to delete the originals and the PIPPed ones! Was lucky to get a second bite of the cherry in the evening, and a bonus airplane transit.

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