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Barlow for planetary imaging


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is there any magnification limits to use with Barlow for planetary imaging. I'm looking to use powermate x5 with ASI120MC on my 8SE 

I think there's unlikely to be any benefit in using anything more than 2.5x with a ASI120MC and 8SE.  Beyond that I'd suggest that you're massively over-sampling and just making life more difficult.


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You already have a 2m focal length with an 8SE. A 5x barlow would push that to 10m (or 10000mm if you prefer), at that focal length your image scale is about 50µm / ". How large is the sensor on an ASI 120 and how good is your seeing? A quick google suggests that the sensor size is about 4µm so unless your seeing is better than 0.1" you won't be gaining much

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