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Greetings from the Great Lakes, Muskegon, MI


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Greetings from the Great Lakes, Muskegon, MI

Made some posts, but never introduced myself. My name is John and I live near some very dark skies on the eastern Coast of Lake Michigan in the US. Bought a toy mead reflector a few years ago, and was instantly hooked on the night sky. Fast forward a couple a years and I knew It was now or never on a getting a 12” Dob. I’ve only had it for a few months and have only just been able to move the beast due to recovering from shoulder surgery. I have already found lots of friendly and helpful advice from the community, so thanks. In return, I offer you this short piece of comedy which was anything but for me at the time.

So, I go to pick up my dob from ups. I’m putting it together and everything is going well. Time to collimate. This is my first Newtonian and I have never collimated. Laser collimator works just fine… videos on youtube confirm I’m doing everything right… over an hour later, still not collimated. :angryfire: As I moved the telescope for what seemed like the hundredth time, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye…. The focuser is loose where it attaches to the tube and is moving  every time I move the telescope. I tighten the nuts and bolts securing the focuser to the tube and in less than a minute collimation is done. Now it takes me less than two minutes to collimate. It wasn’t funny at the time, but now I laugh every time I think of it. :D

Clear skies, -John

P.S. I am very happy with my Orion 12” Skyline Dob!

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Hi John and welcome to the forum. We've all done something a bit silly (some of us are still doing it) so you know you are good company. At least it provided you with a good learning opportunity - well that's one way of looking at!  :grin:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi John and welcome to SGL, taken your first step into the frustrating side of Astronomy, at least you can see the funny side of the occasion. DSO should be particularly interesting from your dark site, enjoy the forum and your new scope :)

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