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Greetings from Cornwall


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Hello everyone;
I've been lurking here for a while & have at last decided to join. I've been interested in space & astronomy for longer than I care to think now, but have never really got round to doing much more than 'naked eye' stargazing, reading various books & watching anything space related on TV. I've now decided to step up a gear & get my first 'proper' scope (I've only got an Infinity 76 portable at present). That being the case, I'm going to post a question re' some options I'm considering on the beginners equipment forum.
Looking forward to being able to actively participate on the forums,
Bye for now.

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Welcome Mike.

Just like you, I was a novice enthusiast about 18mnths ago, since then I have learned a bucketload from the folks on this forum. I've also seen some great sights through my first 'proper' scope recommended on here.

You won't regret that first step. It's one small step for SGL, one giant leap for Cornishmike....!

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Hi cornishmike. Welcome.

I am a newcomer too having only joined a couple of weeks ago. What a great forum this is with a fantastically helpful and friendly bunch. I have been made most welcome and as a near beginner they have helped me a lot with making that first buy decision. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have so far :)

gazabone... I live in Saltash. Not near St Agnes Head but I'd love to come along on Saturday too if that would be OK? Where do I find out details?

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Hi Mike

Warm welcome to SGL. A couple of books to help guide you round the sky 'sky&telescope pocket star atlas' and 'turn left at Orion' .. Also download a planetarium program plenty out there but try Stellarium its great and free, to be found here :--- www.stellarium.org ..

Good luck with your scope choice. Fix your budget first but I would always advise to go to a local astro meet and see what others have and what may suit you best!!! It will save you hard earned cash in the long run.

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Hi cornishmike. Welcome.

I am a newcomer too having only joined a couple of weeks ago. What a great forum this is with a fantastically helpful and friendly bunch. I have been made most welcome and as a near beginner they have helped me a lot with making that first buy decision. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have so far :)

gazabone... I live in Saltash. Not near St Agnes Head but I'd love to come along on Saturday too if that would be OK? Where do I find out details?


Our plans are;

Plan A (weather permitting)

We will assemble at St.Agnes head sat 11th April at about 7.30 (TR5 OST)

Red lights on telescope legs please.

Public will park away from us and will be marshalled towards us by NT members with red lights & reflective vests.

A CAS member will then direct to the scopes and explain what each is looking at.

The public will arrive from 8 pm (will still be light, but some targets will be visible).

If busy we can run on to 11pm.

Plan B wet/overcast

We will assemble at the Miners & Mechanics Institute St.Agnes (TR5 0TL) at about 7:30.

The public will arrive about 8pm & Mick`s talk will last about 45mins.

We will erect display boards are provide items of interest.

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Welcome Cornishmike, Cornwall Astronomy Society have a public event this Saturday at St Agnes head, you're very welcome to come along and have a look through a few scopes and chat to us

Thanks for the offer; unfortunately I'm right at the east end of Cornwall & already have something on on Sat' evening. I think there is an astronomy group nearby, so may well check them out. Having said that, I'll look up your group website & bookmark that for future reference as well.  

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