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Anyone with a router near Chelmsford?


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I'm on a bit of a scrounge to be able to finish my scope. Bit of a long shot but is there anyone near Chelmsford who has a router and would be willing to swing it about to cut me two arcs for my side bearings to run in please?

Much appreciated.


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I'm near King's Lynn if you want to pop in......

Not sure how many routers in the workshop you would run out of fingers counting them....


Lovely bit of Kit the ELU/ dewalt is too Tinker1947, mines been faultless since I bought it 14yrs ago

Is that American white Oak it's on? 


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Come on Chelmsford... Someone's gotta help John out otherwise he'll be moving up north to Yorkshire! ;)

When I used to go up to Yorkshire, the natives debated in our meetings whether Lancashire or Yorkshire was God's county. We Essex lot knew better though :grin: However, I will swear allegiance to whichever county has a router!!


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I am going to swing two part circles into the sides of the rocker box for the bearings to run on ala this picture http://www.obsessiontelescopes.com/telescopes/18/18-Andreas-Hybl.jpg

How am I going to do it? First mark out the radius I want onto the wood with a stick compass, making sure it subtends only 70 degrees as the Kriege and Berry book says. I'll then clamp the bit of wood to the bench and set up the circle cutting jig of the router in the same hole the compass used, so that the edge of the router bit is up against the mark. I will then swing it to make a cut then lower it and do it again until it goes all the way through the wood.


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