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Hyperion Dew Control


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Hi guys

I have a set of hyperions and i love them, really pleased with them, however....... They can dew up quite a bit

I have started to make up my own dew straps and was using them at SGL-X and they were very effective except the eyepiece strap.  I had it around the main barrel of the eyepiece so the top of the strap was flush with the top of the rubber cup but there was a slight gap between the strap and the EP.

Has anyone got any Hyperions and is you are using a dew strap where are you placing them? i'm going to carry on having a play but was just interested on where you had yours.


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Hi Mav,

I have several Hyperions with home-made heaters.  They're simple, just a few 330 ohm, 1/2 watt resistors wired in parallel with 12 volts from a pulse width supply.  I have had good luck with them just around the barrel as you describe.  Are you still not able to keep the dew off?


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the problem with hyperions is were the ep glass is, its surrounded in rubber which is a good insulator. this obviously hinders heat transfer. it will work but will take longer to warm the optics

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Cheers guys

In truth i haven't had a chance to get out let alone worry about the EP's dewing up.

Admittedly i havent left them for any length of time so maybe i just need to be more patient and let it warm up a bit more

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