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Four Minute Marathon(s) - Websites


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We VIDEO Astronomers can be quite *productive* re. images... 

In the interests of "science", I thought I'd "publish" these links. lol

Basically, I've been looking to tidy up and "document" my pics. :)

Mostly for my own purpose... But  I'm now into Wordpress / Flikr.

I don't need to BLOG! But a Website / Picture store is useful? ;)

I don't want to run a local "server", but backups etc. are handy!

Exploring various Messier, Caldwell and "O'Meara" Objects...

https://ryehillastro.wordpress.com/gallery/messier-objects-2/ (Wordpress)

https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryehillastro (Flikr)

Note: Most of the "objects" are the result of 100 x 2.56 stacks

using the 8" / F4 Newt and Watec 120N+ (plus processing!).

"Warts and All", this is decidedly a  "Work in Progress"...    :D

I did buy the Wordpress CSS "customize" facility (for tables!)

and find you can produce a reasonable "static" Website. With

e.g. the "Twenty Twelve" style, it works on my "Phone" too. :cool:

P.S. If there are fellow "Wordpressers" out there, I'd be

happy to share any CSS customisations(?) etc., I find....

I have disabled most of the "like" and "comments" stuff. lol

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