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Quick and Dirty M3

Roy Batty

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Spent most of tonight having a look at Saturn before the clouds rolled in but also took the chance to get a quick image of M3 before it disappeared behind next doors house.

This is my first go at a glob with my DSLR, and based on this early result I'm encouraged by what can be achieved.



(click to enlarge)

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Roy, this is very nice with tight stars and plenty of detail. I noticed in this and another recent image of yours that there is a colour shift to blue - do these images have a blue appearance on your monitor at home?

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It may have been quick but it's certainly not dirty! :D

Fascinating amount of detail to be seen in the core without burning it out even at 72 dpi! :(

I will want to spend a bit of time looking at this one at increased resolution. Was this a single frame image with the DSLR?



(Cropped centre section)

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Thanks for the comments.

As CW may have suspected this was just a single frame image. The bias to blue, in my images at present, is I think is mostly down to me trying to combat LP during processing ( an LP filter is in the pipeline).

Great closeup re-processing work CW - what's the process you go through to get a result like that?



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The bias to blue, in my images at present, is I think is mostly down to me trying to combat LP during processing

Hi Roy, that would make sense as reducing red levels 'increases' blue levels. You could try the following procedure detailed on my website. Although this was done in PhotoShop, the same procedure is similar for many other programs. Hope it is of some use:-


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