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26th March: H Alpha Sketch and Observation


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After some of the worse weather I have ever seen in Spain, the idea of observing outdoors in the Sun was a very appealing idea. Sitting under a shade to sketch in the fresh air. What could be more inspiring?

The Sun put on a spectacular display in both white light and H-alpha. What stood out this morning wasn't so much the active regions of 2305, 2303 etc but the humongous prominences soaring and exploding all over the solar limb. Hedges, arches, and free floating fragments. 

The hedgerow prominence at about 2'clock was measured at over 60,000km in height and probably over 400,000km in length. Absolutely mind blowing.

Anyway, must dash to work. The sketch was made with chalks and blending stubs on black paper. Still not happy with the colour or quality, but I'm working on it :grin:


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Beautiful sketches Rob - love the treatment.

Working from home today, sun's come out and so has my quark, on the ED80.

Those hedgrows are amazing, reminded me of gothic cathedral - arches overlaid on arches - stunning bit of architecture!

One of the best and most exciting views had with the quark so far.

Nipping back out, deadlines can wait...

Enjoy the show everyone!



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Beauty!  Nice prominence activity.  I like the color on black sketch, and look forward to seeing more.

I am still processing some photos from yesterday -- caught a nice little flare.  Having an issue with Registax that's holding me up.

Clear skies,

Brad Vietje

Northern VT, USA

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Thank you for your kind words and support :smiley: The Sun is shining this morning so I will try to nip out for a bit and make another observation. If the forecast is correct, we're in for a nice run of clear days but I promise I will try to take it easy and not clog up the forum with my dodgy sketches and reports :p

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