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New scope on the way

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Well I've been going over and over specs and reviews and at some point you just gotta pick one :) I decided to go for the Williams Optics 102GT with the Flat6A for EOS. I think that will work just fine for what I'm doing. After shooting the first Ha shots with the EF400 its pretty plain I need more aperture for that type of stuff. Even with a 20min exposure the clouds around Orion are just starting to show up. A guy at my club has one and I was able to get a look last time we had a star party. No camera but the visual views were pretty sweet. Hopefully it will be here while we are having some clear skies. Only 1 day of clouds this week. The doom and gloom of winter are almost over.


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Well I'm a little disappointed they were out of stock here in the US so its coming from Taiwan. It will be a few extra days of wait but the owner did the final inspection and collimation so it should be right on the money. From the weight of the package they are packed very well so hopefully it will still be in good adjustment when it gets here.


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