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Sunrise on eastern Mare Crisium


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Hi all,

after having missed the solar eclipse due to cloud-covered skies, I could do at least a lunar sketch yesterday evening. The moon was already quite low (12° when starting the sketch and 6° when finishing it) and the seeing was pretty poor. So I decided not to go for an individual crater but for a larger area: The eastern part of Mare Crisium.

Telescope: Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT

Eyepiece: TS HR Planetary 7mm

Date & Time: Mar 22nd, 2020-2100 CET

Place: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany

Technique: chalk, charcoal and white pastel on black sketching cardbox paper

On the sketch you can see the eastern part of Mare Crisium (upper nectarian in age) with crater Concordet in the south-east and crater Eimmart in the north-east. In the center you can see the shadows of Dorsa Tetyaev and Dorsa Harker (west of Promontorium Agarum and Concordet W wich is the bright small crater between the Dorsa and crater Concordet). The midsize crater north-east of Concordet is the 40km Diameter crater Hansen.

Hope you like it.

Clear skies!



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