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I'm finally in a good position with Jupiter high in the sky

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I've recently acquired an Orion "Black Widow " 8 in. newtonian astrograph 800fl/f3.9 that took the place of my 80mm refractor , I just sent the 80mm  to a school up north , that was in need of a telescope. I love the reflectors because of their light collection ability, on the 24th of Jan. I got my first image with some banding from a snapshot usuing a 2x omni barlow. As I attempted to shoot video , I bumped the mount and you know what that meant "lost it". I've been playing with my 12 snapshots hoping that I just might have enough data to pull some more detail out but, I need video along with image scale. Does anyone think that a 5x powermate is too much power for a planet? I would love to use it on the moon too but, that's another tale. I love getting out there just to examine different features and get "GIDDY" when I find something really cool.

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I use a 4x Powermate with my QHY5L II-C and it works very well. The extremely narrow FOV is the main problem as it makes getting on target tricky. You will have much the same issue with the 5x. Very accurate alignment is required!

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