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M1 Crab Nebula in NB - WIP


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Back imaging again after health and equipment problems :)  Working on M1 in NB with MN190 on EQ8 mount and concrete pier with Astrodon filters - 5nm Ha, 3nm OIII and 5nm SII.  Guiding with OAG and LodeStar X2 using PHD1 guiding software.  Images captured with Atik Artemis Capture with sequencer, stacked in DSS, aligned with RegiStar and further processed with Photoshop CS5.

Imaging has been over 3 nights with a couple of hours a night only due to area of sky available - limited to about 20 degrees above horizon in the west.

Data is a mixture of 10 and 20 minute subs binned 2x2 due to poor seeing.  A thin haze and pollution, coming over from the continent I've heard.  9 or 10 10m subs and 3 or 4 20m subs in each colour.

Here is a work-in-progress image mapped as SHO to RGB with only curves and levels in Photoshop then cropped and saved as PNG for upload here.  I have yet to experiment with Noel's Actions and then apply Hubble palette Selective Colour processing.


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Hubble palette colour adjustments applied.  Two versions - PNG cropped to 1006x832 pixels and JPG cropped to 665x581 pixels giving much smaller file for those with slow internet connection.


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More processing - noise reduction and sharpening.  I doubt I can get this much better without better seeing to allow full resolution unbinned subs but I'm always open to suggestions.


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had a go with your M1 Gina i think it still has more to give but this is all i could get thanks for letting me have a go.

regular size and large size from your first in this post.adobe light-room for detail and photo shop for shadow.

Regular size


Large size



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